
Let's draw (almost) everyday

I have to start prepare for the show in the Fall with Thinkspace Gallery. But at the same time, I want to work on my portfolios and rebuild my new site! But before that I have to take care few client works and etc. Sigh. Too much in my mind.

I started a new sketch book yesterday. Trying to draw everyday, I wonder how long that would last. ha!


It's already June.
Time goes so fast!
I am way behind!

f e b r u a r y | m a r c h .

● Worked on art pieces for the National Grid Gallery solo exhibition
● Worked on illustrations for the book called Wood Nymph Seeks Centaur by Francesca Lia Block (Bloomsbury publication)
● 3/26 : the solo exhibition opening, Sydney. AU (Sadly, I couldn't make it)

a p r i l .

● Went Hawaii ! Vacation !!
● Worked for NYLON magazine and did 6 illustrations for the July issue 2009 (It's out !)
● Worked with GAP. Releasing 3 shirts for Gap Product (red) ! More information later on
● Curvy 6 art book is being released, one of my illustration is published

m a y .

● working on the illustration the book called Little Pink
● Visited : San Diego | Philadelphia | Baltimore
